I cleanned, fed, taught and played with the kids of Caasah. Established circle line, educatinal activities and resources. The kids at Caasah are special. My experience at Caasah had a positive impact in my life. I introduced in the children's routine methods to help them break some habbits and developed educational activities.
Hazel Jooste
Feb - March, 2007
Hi, I don't know if anyone still writes in this blog, but in case someone actually reads these comments, I had a question:
I worked at CAASAH this fall, and I bondedly really closely with the kids... I really wanted to know how they're doing. Specifically, Michelle (twin Michelle, not other Michelle who is developmentally disabled, although I'd like to know how she's doing as well), Mateo and Carlos... if anyone has any updates on these kids, and of course the others as well -- I would appreciate it SO much. My email is r.gathmann@gmail.com.
12:35 PM
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